Advertising Blimps Bring Power to the Small Fish

Advertising Blimps

Advertising blimps, power for the small fish too!

As getting the attention of people and turning them into potential customers is a continuous uphill task, advertising blimps are now being used to make this task much less complex.

advertising blimp - red color with white lettering

11 ft. Blimp with lettering – from $725.00

Getting attention is hard

In today’s tough times, one of toughest tasks for any advertiser or marketer is to get the attention of people. After one manages to get their attention, then comes the tough task of turning these prospects into buyers. It is all one big chain reaction.
The challenge of getting the attention of people has become so big today as there are so many different brands advertising all kinds of products and services. Thus, the messages of advertisers get lost very easily.

A bigger challenge for companies with no advertising budgets

The challenge to get products or services noticed by people gets even harder when the company is a small one and has absolutely no advertising budget or a very small one. This is truer in the case of local companies. These companies too have to advertise as they too face stiff competition.
But this is not at all easy for small companies as they have to compete with the massive ad budgets of giant conglomerates…companies that literally burn money to advertise. So what can a small company do to advertise its product or services so that people actually sit up and pay attention?

The answer lies in advertising blimps

These huge blimps are the best way to leverage the power of low advertising budgets and yet get the attention of people. This is because these giant ad blimps help in drawing a lot of attention no matter where they may be set up – in a field, at a play park, at a booth or even at a trade event or some special function. In fact they can even be set up right outside any kind of a retail outlet.
No matter where they may be, these blimps get a lot of attention from people who are passing by, people who are driving by or even from people who are working in their offices or relaxing at home.

The many benefits of these giant blimps

As they can draw the attention of people very easily and as they are also very cheap (No need to buy them, you can just rent them!), they offer a very low cost but highly effective advertising and promotional solution.
No doubt of it, these advertising blimps are definitely a great choice today for both large and small businesses too, because they get the attention of people very easily. And that really is the basic rule of advertising isn’t it?

Advertising Blimps Bring Power to the Small Fish is a post from: Advertising Balloons

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  1. Advertising Blimps – Perfect Solution for Small Budgets
  2. Advertising Blimps for Small Business
  3. Stand Above Your Competition with Advertising Blimps
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Advertising balloons have tremendous benefits and that is why they are so popular

Advertising Balloons

Advertising balloons have tremendous benefits and that is why they are so popular.

Advertising balloons are quite a common sight all over the globe today. But what is it that makes these huge balloons so very popular?

7 ft. helium advertising balloon with lettering

Advertising Balloons Get Results!

Can be seen all over
These balloons are primarily used by advertisers and marketers for promotional purposes and this is why these balloons can be seen in many public places like gardens and malls. The strong point of these balloons is that you just cannot “NOT SEE” them as they are so huge and brightly colored – and they have messages and images on them that are definitely BIG attention grabbers.

Most companies – big and small – make use of these balloons to bring about an awareness abut the product or service that they have. This kind of advertising form is good for products and services that are well established in the market, as well as new products and services – brand launches as they are called!

What’s so very special about advertising balloons?
Most small and big advertisers and marketers, get their slogan, message or logo printed on these gigantic balloons. These printed balloons make excellent advertising and they are very commonly used all over the world for product launches, promotional campaigns, awareness programs or even for the purpose of advertising or promoting an event.
The first thing that advertisers do when thy buy or rent these huge balloons is – inflate them to about 75% of their capacity. After this, they get the printing done on them. There are many ways in which this printing can be done today. But in most cases, when small and medium sized balloons are being used, the printing is done on them by making use of silk screens. Another good option to print these balloons is off-set printing.
Getting your message across in the right manner
When companies advertise or have promotional campaigns, it is important that they get their message across in a strong way, but also, in a way that is very attractive. These balloons are placed by marketers and advertisers in all kinds of places – rooftops, high rises, open places, etc. In this way, these huge balloons loom large over the ground and people cannot help but notice them.
Also, these huge balloons are a very cost-effective method of advertising and they are definitely good value for money. Most new companies will make use of these advertising balloons to get their logo recognized by people. It is even possible to get the logo or message printed on 5 sides and that is why these giant balloons are so great for advertising.

Advertising balloons have tremendous benefits and that is why they are so popular is a post from: Advertising Balloons

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Advertising Blimps – Perfect Solution for Small Budgets

Advertising Blimps

Advertising blimps – the perfect solution to advertisers with small budgets.

Advertising blimps and other types of ad balloons are now a very popular form of advertising.

How did this form of adverting come about?
The idea of using giant blimps and huge balloons to advertise and promote products and services, was a result of the popular wrapping ads that are much in use today. Wrapping ads are extremely popular and they are a form of advertising in the open by the creation of billboards or by wrapping of objects.
But, wrapping ads is a very expensive form of advertising and thus, advertisers were looking for an option to it.

And so Advertising blimps were born!

11 ft. red advertising blimps

Advertising Blimps from $461.00

These huge blimps were seen as an economical form of advertising. It was so economical, that it was affordable by medium sized, as well as small companies. In fact, one of the biggest benefits from making use of these balloons lies in the money itself.
These ad inflatables are very good for advertisers who have small budgets as they cost no more than $350 – $400. But, the effect that they have on people passing by is just tremendous.

Great and funny Attention-Getters

These huge balloons have proved to be an awesome way and a funny one at that, to get the attention of people. All over the world, people of all ages just like balloons and when they see these giant balloons in the air, they are just thrilled at the sight.
Perhaps one of the major reasons why people simply love these giant ad blimps is because of the fact that they bring on ideas of parties, celebrations and holidays.
Definitely great for advertisers and marketers
In the world that we live in, people just hate looking at ads. But the fact that they enjoy looking at huge advertising balloons, gives advertisers a tremendous benefit – to capitalize on advertising their services and products.
If you are an advertiser – especially if you have a small budget to advertise your biz opportunity – then it make perfect sense for you to have the logo or the name of your company or the product or service you are offering – printed LARGE – across these big ad balloons. When you do this, you can be sure that loads of people are going to notice your biz and they will happily remember your biz, as they happily look at balloons. Thus, you can be very sure that Advertising blimps are definitely the ideal solution for you to advertise, especially if you have a small advertising budget.

Advertising Blimps – Perfect Solution for Small Budgets is a post from: Advertising Balloons

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  2. Advertising Blimps for Small Business
  3. Advertising Blimps
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